
Kitchen floor tiles

We all know mothers out there are changing the world, right from their own living rooms. But changing the world is massive. Can this possibly start at home? We, at AGL, believe, everything in the world, has to begin at Mother’s Home, like:

1. Teaching compassion beyond our own life

Raising children today means raising global citizens for tomorrow. It is a huge responsibility and opportunity to shape the longer term. Mothers teach their kids about compassion by helping them to comprehend the difficult situation. And teach how literally all connected to one another. Children are incredibly attuned to concepts of equality. For them, understanding compassion is somewhat easier than adults. This is why mothers help their children to think and act beyond themselves.

2. Modeling personal values into the practical world

Mothers are a child’s most influential role models. They watch what mothers are saying and do all day long, observe how she live, and handle situations. This helps them to understand the practical world. What more you can do it, motivate them to shop local, support family-run businesses, and donate time or efforts to local charities.

3. Instilling confidence

One of the best challenges of motherhood is raising a confident child in this cutthroat competitive world. And she does this flawlessly. Mothers raise their children to be strong yet gentle and compassionate to talk. She teaches them to talk about reality with grace. Stand up for what's right, even when it's difficult. She provides them an environment where they learn to take risks without worrying about the outcome.

4. A better home and better world

Every one enters motherhood with a bunch of beliefs or expectations to be an honest mother. It's one amongst those life experiences that teach you lots about yourself and your world. For many of us, raising a child could be a daily exercise in patience, compassion, and emotional intelligence. Yet there is no barrier.

It is due to mother that child’s learning in initial stages becomes easy. A child knows that she will be beside him in every challenge of life. This will ultimately lead him to become a much better person.

We only lay the foundation, it is a Mother who makes a house a home. Always inspiring and growing.

AGL salutes the spirit of Mother, in building a strong and beautiful life!
