
marble tiles

Gorgeous colourful tiles add personality to the room and enhance it altogether. These tiles add a lot of glaze and beauty to the bathroom. Bathroom tiles create an opulent finish, which is often not possible with paint. Want to know how you can incorporate this look into your bathroom? This blog gives you a few ideas as to how you can remodel youbathroom tiles and add drama to it!


Let’s look at a few ways you can play with bathroom tiles:


1. Mix and match

Why use the same bathroom tiles all over the area? Mix and match two different coloured tiles to create a unique look. Use contrasting colours for several different zones of your bathroom. You can use bold coloured tiles in shelves and on the shower backsplash area. While you can use subtle colours for rest of the areas. This will not look overpowering!


2. Let mosaics do the talking

Mosaics because of their size and colour bring in a lot of intensity to the scheme. Decorate your entire wall, from floor to the ceiling with mosaic bathroom tiles and let them be the hero of your space. To cut the cost, balance it out by surrounding the mosaics with large-sized tiles.


3. Play with patterns

Want to draw attention to one particular area of the bathroom? Don’t forget about patterned bathroom tiles. These are available in colour as well as in plain textures. These tiles make the wall look more generous. If you have a larger bathroom area, then add large patterned tile to make your space look bigger and better.


4. Set a statement with your bathroom tiles

Use a dramatic and vibrant colour for maximum impact. However, tile only one section of the bathroom with overpowering colours to avoid headache. Try the wall behind your bath, the one over your basin or the one over your bathtub. These spaces will be highlighted and look more attractive.

5. A dark fantasy

Are you a lover of darker tones? If you’re not sure about the vibrant and vivid shades, you can add dark neutral toned bathroom tiles too. For instance, colours like dark grey or dark brown set a neutral tone and make the place look luxurious. However, paint the walls with a lighter shade if you choose to decorate it with dark bathroom tiles.

Choose what matches your style and make your bathroom look stunning with colourful bathroom tiles.

Can’t decide the best one for you? Use our blog about the latest wall tiles trends to know more.